Change your belief to change your reality
We build our belief system based on our conditioning from the outside world. Five senses of human body are responsible for gathering information from social, educational, economic and religious status. This conditioning generates thoughts in abundance, which never stops. When we encounter a situation again and again we develop a neuropath in our brain based on our previous experience. This path ultimately turns into us believe what we believe. When we start believing something, we start living in that space. Slowly and slowly, it becomes our reality.
A person who always ask, “Why Me?” in a difficult situation. He experiences this difficult situation again and again in life and starts believing the fact, he is destined to live in a difficult situation and thus it becomes his reality. We need to change our belief system to make our new reality. For example: a person who had seen his parents always in financial difficulties, later he finds himself in similar challenges. It is because, since his childhood he has made this situation his belief and eventually made this reality.
My eternal self is all about learning to change your reality. You will learn the methods to enhance your belief system and hence enhance your life.