How Much Past is Present

Most common question we ask ourselves when in distress – “Why me?” Answer is not so simple. What we know and remember is something in our mind. But beyond mind there is a sub-conscious mind, which has the information we are not aware of. Similarly, our body carries the traits and features of our ancestors even though we have no clue about our grand-parents or great grand-parents. Did the seed of this distress was sown long before your birth? We will see these points one after another.

Mind is a complex concept which has no physical existence. People have different definition of mind. Some say that mind consists of whole body senses, present and memories, all kind of sensation etc. Yet others say, it is a software which reside in our brain. There is another hypothesis, according to which, mind is a virtual sphere whose centre point is our naval and radius is 1.5 times of our heights. They are all hypothesis, and no one has physically seen and experienced mind. The most logical definition which I found in Bhagvad Gita. Beyond body there is intellect, Ego, remembrance and intelligence. All these make up mind. Intellect is a slave of our ego, and intelligence is above all. Apart from our body and mind, there is an energy body. Physical body is gross, mind is subtle and energy body is subtler. When we come down to earth, we come along with our Karma. Karma is attached with our body, mind and energy body. It is all because of this Karma, we get indulged into specific situation and our ego gets hurt, which in turn leaves its impression on our intellect. Our remembrance preserves it and intelligence makes us aware of any such situation in the future

Another dimension is the family connection. We come down on earth with gene imprints of our ancestors. What we are today had been sown long back, may be when we were still in the wombs of our mothers. There are experimentally established facts – People carries the trauma prevailing in the family up to three generations. According to some cultures, this belief can be for seven generations. But here we will go by the science (Refer: It didn’t start with you – Mark Wolynn). This verifies the fact that family Karma is also important. Hence, it is necessary to look at the distress, disease, hurt, trauma, pain with respect to different dimensions.

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