Our Existence – Real or Illusion
“Do we really exist”? A question igniting the human minds which wanted to take a leap to divinity has been coming from ages. Does sensation in our body makes us aware that we exist, or the hunger according to the circadian clock makes us feel real. Is it that when our rising emotions make us happy and sad or we know our thoughts inventing great things in the world are not apparition.
This question has no meaning if the person sitting appears calm outside but fighting inside with his thoughts and struggling with his emotions. Flow of thoughts makes him aware that he is a real being and not an illusion.
But are these thoughts real? Does it have any physical existence? Our thoughts have no meaning unless they are manifested. Hence thoughts itself is not real. The mind which provides the playground for thoughts is that real? There is no organ in the body called mind. According to some thinkers, mind is a software which resides in brain.Different people has defined mind with different names. People feel, along with the senses of sense organs, emotions and thoughts they all comprise of mind. According to a research, when we are in fight or flight mode, these senses mean little less to our body. In this situation body is taken over by adrenaline and cortisol. Release of hormones is a process when body faces specific situation. Again, these situations are created by our thoughts. Hence this body is driven by both physical objects and by virtual objects. We consciously observe our changing emotions and thoughts, release of hormones or senses experienced by our body we understand we really exit.
We became aware of our energy body. We physically start sensing the energy confluence. We see our bodies separating. We know how to extract the information stored in the brain from this birth and all our past existence. We know cosmos has all the information available in abundance. We are open to attract all information from cosmos. This is the moment when we realize that we are not just we, we are energy which changes its form. Now it is in our thoughts and the very next moment it will become emotions. Hence, we realize that we are not just a body, we are by far more than this body. This “realization” has the answer how much we exist.